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    2. Haitian heavy industryGlobal Supplier Portal


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      Haitian heavy industry went to Guizhou for recruitment to realize two-way employment
      Release time:2021-02-28  
      On February 27, 2021, Ma'anshan Haitian heavy industry technology development Co., Ltd. went to Tongren City, Guizhou Province for recruitment at the call of Bowang district government.

      On February 27, 2021, Ma'anshan Haitian heavy industry technology development Co., Ltd. went to Tongren City, Guizhou Province for recruitment at the call of Bowang district government.



      The recruitment lasted three days, and several employees were recruited for the company. The addition of this group of new forces injected fresh blood and infinite vitality into Haitian.



      Tel: 0555-6971188

      Fax: 0555-6971198

      Email: info@mashthi.com

      Address: New Material Industrial Park, Bowang high tech Zone, Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province

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